This is an exceptional interview the three stars Margot Robbie, Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt. Together in Quentin Tarantino's film once upon A time in Hollwood, they ignited the Cannes Festival (Alpes-Maritimes). "I think that when someone like Tarantino calls you, whether you are on Earth, on Mars, or on Pluto, you pay attention to what he proposes," says Leonardo DiCaprio. Because it is still one of the most unique artistic voices in our industry ". The anecdote of Margot Robbie "I thought it would be a great idea, a remarkable Association," says Brad Pitt about the possibility of turning with the hero of Titanic. "The more I advance in my career, the more I consider that the people I work with are as important as the project itself (...) When Quentin Tarantino calls you, you say yes, "he says. It also evokes the "Tarantino ritual", which invites each actor, alone, to read home the only copy of the screenplay. "I went ...
This is an exceptional interview the three stars Margot Robbie, Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt. Together in Quentin Tarantino's film once upon A time in Hollwood, they ignited the Cannes Festival (Alpes-Maritimes). "I think that when someone like Tarantino calls you, whether you are on Earth, on Mars, or on Pluto, you pay attention to what he proposes," says Leonardo DiCaprio. Because it is still one of the most unique artistic voices in our industry ".
The anecdote of Margot Robbie
"I thought it would be a great idea, a remarkable Association," says Brad Pitt about the possibility of turning with the hero of Titanic. "The more I advance in my career, the more I consider that the people I work with are as important as the project itself (...) When Quentin Tarantino calls you, you say yes, "he says. It also evokes the "Tarantino ritual", which invites each actor, alone, to read home the only copy of the screenplay. "I went back a second time, it was the same scenario, but with coffee stains, a little skinned," recalls Brad Pitt.
As for Margot Robbie, she admits to having written to the Director of pulp Ficton or even to kill Bill. "I've always been a fan of Tarantino, ever since. I even think I started watching his movies at a much too young age. And I adoed them. I always knew that someday I would contact my idols, and he's at the top of the list. But at the time I did not feel good enough actress nor even enough worthy to be in her presence ", explains the actress. "I don't know if he got my letter. In any case, a few weeks after he contacted me ", says Margot Robbie.
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